Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Words of Wisdom on Wednesdays!

"The man who has no inner life is the slave of his surroundings" ~Henry F. Amiel

We are spirits that live in a home called body. The most important question regarding this fact is: What are you feeding your spirit? Or, how are you nurturing your inner life? How often do you read something that is uplifting that will build you up? How often do you encourage yourself? (Please don't wait on others)

On the other hand do you starve the life within you? Do you hang around negative people? Do you hate yourself because of something you did? Do you harbor bitterness or refuse to forgive and let go? Do you focus on what you don't have rather than express gratitude for what you do have? Do you worry about the things that you can't change instead of changing what you can?

Spend time building yourself up so that in the midst of chaos, you may find peace within.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Coming Soon! The Big Reveal

Okay, so for those of you, who haven’t made a list yet, make one! If you are new to this site and are clueless to what list I’m referring to then please read the  post titled “Who Am I”.

In a few days we will reveal who we are and not how others see us or try to define us but who we     are! I will also post the lists of other women (including myself) from all walks of life! Currently we have readers from Brazil, Canada, the United States and Germany! So I encourage you to become a follower of the blog, comment on the posts, post your lists and continue to join me in celebrating womanhood!!!

The list that you create can be long or short. It should also include things that you cannot change. For example, I have delivered four children and -unlike many fortunate women- I have stretch marks. While I’m not complaining, I certainly would rather have them removed. (It’s just my preference) And when the “stretch mark” fairy comes to collect, she can summon the “love- handle” fairy to pay a visit as well. J

These are just some things that I have learned to accept about my physical self. How did I learn to accept it? Well first let me clear something up. I am working on the love- handles and whatever doesn’t go away I won’t mind. But the stretch marks, I now see as “gift” marks because my children are gifts! I refuse surgical removal or the hassle of trying to add anything else (like rubbing cream on my belly to lighten or remove the marks) to my to-do-list.

Although my “bonus child” whom I love dearly, did not come from me and give me stretch marks, I can probably find a few gray hairs on my head; but it’s nothing that hair coloring won’t fix!

Until Next Time…..Know You, Accept You, Love You and Celebrate Women who are just like YOU!

There will be two women who will win gifts in honor of women all over the world! Just click "comment" at the bottom of the post and reveal who YOU are!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Who Am I

 Who Am I?

Growing up and even now I see more and more how society and even women themselves define women based on their status. I’ve been guilty of that too until I met a great woman who didn’t make much money, have a  big house or have what most people consider the “ideal” life. However, this beautiful being is one to be admired. Why? Because she is aware of whom she is. Once you know who YOU are, you’ll understand that no one or no thing can define you.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Thanks for visiting WYC! I am so excited about this blog and the opportunity to share with the world my dreams, short comings, goals and just everyday life experiences! However, the motivation behind this blog is to reach out to women all around the world from all walks of life about how to wear our crown.

WYC is a place where women can come together and celebrate "womanhood". “As iron sharpens iron, so one man (or woman) sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 And because women go through so much, it is up to us to learn how to celebrate each other and build each other up.

So sit down, grab a snack and enjoy. I welcome you to talk with me, joke with me, laugh with me, encourage others with me and celebrate women!!!!!!
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