Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Company You Keep

Companies around the world take inventory of their products, especially grocery chains and clothing stores. These companies must analyze the growth and losses in order to remain profitable. As a result, reports are created that shows which products are profitable and which ones are not. If there are products that aren’t doing well, the company make assess what can be done to improve profit.

Like companies, we must constantly take inventory of the people whom we allow in our inner circle. But before we take inventory, we must be willing to be truthful with ourselves and not make excuses for holding on to people we need to let go.

There was a time in my life when my best friend made great effort to help me let go of relationship that lasted over ten years. After trying to reach out to this person, they showed no sign of interest and I had to realize that I had to move on. There is still hope of restoration but right now, my destiny is calling me forward. If I had tried to remain in the relationship any longer, I now realize that I could have possibly damaged the second most important relationship in my life. I still love this person and will be here if they need me but I must move forward and live my life. I have a calling on my life and I cannot neglect what I am destined to do and destined to become.

What about you? The bible says, “Stop being deceived; wicked friends lead to evil ends” 1 Corinthians 15:33 ISV

Have you taken inventory of your relationships lately to see which ones are profitable and which are destructive? What relationships are holding you back? Which ones are adding value or devaluing your life? Taking inventory may also clear up some confusion about your life and what you are currently experiencing.

Until next time......

Image: Tina Phillips /

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